Saturday 16 May 2009

Concepts: Power

Power: The amount of force/leverage/advantage any given organism has against an opponent, be it sentient or not. Also the amount of strength behind an argument or conflict. As the rule goes, more power equals a higher chance of success. In most scenario’s. However, does this apply to every sentient being? Or do some have a naturally higher chance against an opponent with greater power.

In hindsight, it would have made more sense to tie this into weakness too. So let us look at that too. Weakness: The lack of force/power/any emotion or kinetic power, against an opponent. So power and weakness go hand in hand. While one person could have a greater power over another in the form of physical strength, but a weakness in mentality, and his opponent is the opposite, then the ‘weaker’ physical opponent would stand a greater chance of success by using his strengths against the other’s weaknesses. However, if the strong person has no weaknesses that parallel his opponent’s strengths, is he not surely bound to victory?

Back to power. Power can also be used to refer to any form of sentient force, such as fate or a form of God. A guiding force, never apparent, yet always present. An example, such as the Lifestream from FFVII (Final Fantasy 7), a guiding force of mother earth, determining who lives and who dies. All said, I do not believe in fate. I do not like the idea that I’m not in control of my life. Simple as. But perhaps I do believe in some small invisible force guiding our day to day lives.

I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest life is like a book, pre-determined before we even start our lives. Characters come in, leave, die, are born. But only one is the regular. And it’s not even written from the authors point of view. It is written as a bystander, giving the idea of a fixed life. Hence, the power known as fate was conceived, nurtured, and unleashed upon the world in a tumult of emotion and indecision. As is the way all forces come into play. Hell hath no fury. No holds barred. It’s called power for a reason.

I would talk about good and evil around now, but it’s too long and I don’t want y’all to be reading this till weekend. So instead I’ll draw it to a close now.

Next Concept:-
a) Life after Death?
b) Time
c) Mental Instability

Wednesday 6 May 2009

-:Temporary Notice:-

As of now, this blog will be solely for the Concepts: post's, which i shall endeavour to update weekly. Due to this, i have decided to create a new blog for my other vent's.
Will post a link a.s.a.p.
Other blogs set up now.
Diary of the Damned
Chapters: Book of Life

Concepts: Age

Define age. How long an object or organism has survived on this plane of existance. For us homosapiens we tend to count in months and years, generally speaking. For example, what we would call a 2 year old toddler would actually be 63072000 seconds old. Some organisms could never survive that long. Fact. In perspective to the aim of this post, the minimal age for a year 11 student at the age of 16 would have an age of 504576000 seconds. Wow.
Next up, what's with the concept of the yearly age? Widely established ages such as 5 for first educational rights, 16 for legal intercourse rights, 18 for purchasing certain items. How about we look at 15-16? Nice group to look at, as I can give first hand opinions and facts. But first, to avoid later confusion, let me explain the 'age line'. The age line occurs in the lifespan of every human, usually around the ages of 11-13. Any time before this line is crossed, and the human does not want to cross it. They wish to stay as carefree as their younger selves. Any time after this line is crossed, the human wants to grow up as fast as possible, disregarding certain law's like the "legal age". Hence, there seems to be a connection between all humans in the respect that they want to be older or younger. This line is instantaneous, ergo, once crossed the change is quite sudden. Most likely to occur around the twelfth birthday.
Anyway, back to talking about the ages of 15-16. At the tender age of 15, most male humans are pumped full of testosterone, and vent that via kicking materia balls or other humans around. Occasionally, a male will attract a special attention from a female human, usually close to the same age. This is achieved via pheromones, which have caused more fallouts and breakups than any solo human emotion. Once a connection between the male and female is established, the male will be raring to obey the primal insticts. To mate, in short. The female will usually be more withdrawn, making the males excersize restraint down to a complex feeling called Love (Explained in post Concepts:Love). However, being at the age of 15, the male and female cannot engage in such activities, and so frustration and mixed emotions frequently drive the two apart.
Some say this age is too early for love at all, that humans should wait until they come of age at the age of 16. Perhaps some humans should. Some female's are fooled into thinking they love a male, then break up with them out of insecure, inconsistant reasons. This in itself can tear apart even the stoic heart of some of the more emotionally sound males.
However, upon reaching the age of 16, the pressure to GET a mate of sorts amounts endlessly, down to the 'friends' of the human concerned. This is unfair on all humans involved, and is potentially life ruining in the worst case scenario. This also forces males and females into intimate interactions with each other against their own fully consentual will.
Perhaps we all need to stop what we're doing and take a good long look at what's going on with other people's feelings. Then maybe we can all resume or change our lives so that the harmony between the once peaceful congregation is restored.
I have two words: Good Luck.
Personally, I have found my harmony. I have no explicit reason to care whether or not one of my friends fucks up my best friend's emotions. Stop. Look around. If need's be, I offer a safety net to some. For now. To the other's, The hardest of lessons bring the greatest of benefits. From the biggest failures comes the chance of a flourishing success. Nurture it, and it will nurture you in times to come.

-:Next concept?:-
(a) Hate
(b) Happiness
(c) Power
I will go by popularity of vote, subject to circumstance.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Concepts: Love

First things first. How do you define 'love'?
You can't. Love is entirely based on self opinion and feelings. No-one can tell you what love is, they can only tell you their experiences and pray you don't make the same mistakes they did.
Sure, most people think of love as a bond of unconditional trust and care. That you would stay be them no matter what. Someone told me today ''If it's real love, then theres no fear. No regrets''
That's what gets me. Surely love is a form of total fear? A fear of losing the person you feel so strongly for. A fear that keeps you in check and spurs to to do anything to sate the fear of your significant other? Could that be it?
If there was a relationship with absolutely NO fear whatsoever, would that not be a bit strange? a bit like dating yourself, because you needn't worry if the other is thinking your actions are in the wrong. Sometimes they are. Sometimes they aren't. How do we find out? Simple. Ask. Get the guts and ask. Where do you get the guts from? The love, the fear or the paranoia that a single wrong move could lose the one you've loved for so long? Maybe a combination of all three. Maybe not. If it was that easy, oxford would have a dictionary definition for Love. Do they? I think not. It is an enigma in itself, the only emotion that cannot be correctly fathomed and explained. So why do we have it?
As an outlet? To have someone you can talk to no matter what? I wish i could do that. But i can't. Why? Is my love based on the fear of making a single wrong move, maybe because i fear of going too far and losing her forever.
Can i talk to someone else about it? Yes. Why? Because i have nothing to lose by telling them. So why is it different for her? Surely if it's love she'll stay by me no matter what i tell her. Is it worth the risk? Am i going to live in fear of her reading this and get the impression i'm in doubt? I suppose i could always delete/edit it. But that would defeat the point.
Sure, there's not a thing i wouldn't do for her. If i could, i'd tell her everything, just to get this pain over with once and for all. Before i can do that, or even promise to do that, i need to lose this fear of the consequences. However, if my love is built on fear, does that mean i'll lose that too? I don't believe it is, but this is only from my perspective, and through a determination not to disappoint. Is there a difference between a fearful relationship and a fearless one? Can i get from one to the other and bear my soul to the elements. Hang the consequences and get it over with.
A little known quote springs to mind here. ''Don't ask for it. Go out and win it. Do that and you will succeed.'' Do i do that, and take a risk? Normally i'm all for risks. Normally i don't care who/what gets hurt, especially me. Not this time. I haven't a doubt in the world that if it brings her hurt, i will not do it. So how do i stop the hurt i'm already causing her by not saying?
Another issue. Pressure. Endless pressure. Maybe thats where the fear is coming from. I feel that every move i make is pressuring her to follow suit, and if i go too far then she may snap. So what if she doesn't feel ready? I'm not so shallow as to ditch and run because she feels its not right. I would never dream of that. Nor would i dream of finding another outlet for such a thing while maintaining a façade of ''Don't worry, I'll wait.'' Loyalty, compassion, morals. All hinderances in such an area. Such merciful hinderances. No. Temptation cannot sway the truth of the heart. Temptation is for the weak, the fickle. Am i weak? Am i fickle? Perhaps, but still, i negate the concept of such disloyalty without a second thought.
I know in previous post's i've said you've changed me. And you have. But still not enough. Lend me your confidence? ''So let mercy come, and wash away, What I've Done''
I hope to god she reads this. And i pray she doesn't misunderstand the meaning of me writing this whole article.
This is my cry for help, for redemption and a rightful place by her side.

Save me. Before it's too late.